This story is only part of a bigger story that we call "The Church in the Mobile Park."
More than four years ago Bob Baldwin and his wife, Cathie were “arrested” in their pursuit of a life of comfortable and easy retirement in the suburbs of North Houston. Bob and Kathy were challenged to redefine what they understood about the term “neighbor” and to reexamine what they believed about their purpose and responsibilities in the community in which they were living.
Bob was convinced he heard God speak clearly to him about serving the poor, un-documented Hispanic residents of the Mobile Home Park located nearby his property. Not only did they learn to love the residents whose language, culture and social background was quite different to theirs, but Bob and Kathy also became the owners of the very Mobile Home Park where they lived.
Brian Schaffer and his family, former missionaries in Latin America and fluent in Spanish, joined the Baldwins in this adventure and moved into the Mobile Home Park to become the onsite Managers of the property. Today that Mobile Home community continues to witness a progressive transformation of their streets, common grounds and infrastructure.
God’s guidance, chosen obedience, and a willingness to love with God’s love are the elements that are still shaping the mission at the Mobile Home Park. This mission seeks to reach far beyond what is immediately visible upon arrival. It is a mission to transform the lives of present and future residents, and their families, for good and for God as He uses the gifts of practical life skills training and the prayerful presence of compassionate and responsive saints working in concert with one another to introduce Himself and provide “a future filled with hope.”
This longing for transformation is not just a dream: the first people to be transformed are Bob and Cathie, and Brian and family who continue to be blessed in the process of living intentionally to be a blessing to their neighbors.
To read the full article of this transformation story and watch the video click here.
Join us as we visit this Faithwalking Missional Community during our Community Gathering on Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010, from 9am to 1pm. We will meet at the Mission Houston offices and ride together to and from Tomball. Registration here.
We hope that you can make it on Saturday, November 13 to see a missional community in action! Come join us!