Dear friends:
Mission Houston was birthed 12 years ago at the end of a three day prayer summit by 185 pastors convinced that unity in the Body of Christ would invite God’s presence and release His desperately needed blessings on our city (see Ps. 133:1). Our prayer since then has been for the spiritual and social revitalization of individuals, neighborhoods and communities across the city.
In 2010 Mission Houston continued to pursue “Changing greater Houston for Good” by offering ministries and resources that change lives, change marriages, and change schools. Here’s a brief snapshot of what your generous support and prayers helped us do.
Changing Lives We began the Faithwalking process in 2007 as a way of providing people with both tools and experiences to help them cooperate with God in the transformation of their own lives and the lives of others. The goal of Faithwalking is to develop individuals and congregations who mobilize the Body of Christ to form groups, with a shared sense of where to be on mission and a deep commitment to one another, that together serve the poor and/or underserved in ways that are focused, sustained and effective. In 2010 your financial support enabled a 100% increase in the number of participants who attended a Faithwalking retreat, so that there are now 211 people whose lives have been impacted and who are impacting others. Their involvement has birthed 28 missional communities that are serving in schools and neighborhoods in various parts of the city. We hope that your participation, and the participation of others that you know, will contribute to an even greater Kingdom impact in 2011. For more stories about lives changed through the Faithwalking ministry, please visit our website at While you’re there, sign up for our mailing list to receive news and progress updates, contribute your own stories or give feedback, and find out about upcoming opportunities to learn more about the ministry of Faithwalking.
Changing Marriages Repeatedly we heard from Faithwalking 101 graduates that their marriages were in need of restoration and healing if they were going to be able to live fully into God’s purposes. To address this need we enlisted Trisha Taylor, a licensed professional counselor, to create a weekend retreat for Faithwalking 101 graduates and their spouses called Missional Marriage. In 2010 seven couples participated, resulting in 13 couples who have attended the two Missional Marriage retreats we’ve offered. The demand for this retreat is growing, and your support in 2011 will allow us to continue its impact in strengthening marriages and families during these challenging times.
Changing Schools In 2007 Mission Houston gave our word to insure the success of the public schools of greater Houston. This commitment has two primary goals.
One, we want every Christ-follower across our city to know and respond to the impact that is possible in every facet of our city if we prayed and worked together to insure that “every school in every neighborhood in every community in greater Houston produces whole and healthy children!” In 2010 we accelerated the forming of a network of Christian organizations and individuals whose heart resonates with this vision and who are serving in the public schools, and in 2011 we will engage in launching a website that offers resources for all who pray for and work in schools.
Two, we are multiplying the number of servant-leaders and volunteers working in the public schools. We offer training in servant attitudes and skill sets. We help connect them to local schools and know how to respond to that school’s stated needs. These leaders mobilize volunteers and other resources, in partnership with and in support of the school staff, to develop children who are intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically healthy.
Over the last three years at least 20 local schools across the city have seen a cadre of new volunteers respond to the vision and serve as mentors, tutors, after school coaches, and campus improvement laborers that are reaching at-risk students and changing the atmosphere of the schools for students and staff alike. Additionally, hundreds of congregations participated in the second annual Week of Prayer for Houston’s Children and Youth we co-sponsored, and hundreds of individuals attended the two summits in which Dr. Robert Sanborn and Children at Risk informed the Church of the needs of children and opportunities for serving them. Your support in 2011 will allow us to deepen and expand our network of partners and schools, and to spread both the vision and our impact further.
We are committed to being a persistent and hopeful voice for the transformation of our city. We ask you to join us in 2011 in seeking God and partnering with Him in the spiritual and social revitalization of our city. We know that the current economic reality has limited the number of causes that you can support financially, making it difficult for many organizations to continue their work. We ask that Mission Houston be a beneficiary of your trust and your donation this year so that the life-changing impact of our work will not be limited. If the Faithwalking ministries have made a significant impact in your life, we especially ask you to pay it forward so that others may also benefit. If your involvement with the vision of “whole and healthy children” has impacted you, your support will make sure that many more children and schools experience the hope that a new life, and a new way of living, is possible.
On behalf of the rest of the Board and Staff of Mission Houston, I thank you for your prayers and friendship, and for your generous support. May you experience again this holyday season the hope of His restoration and renewal!
Steve Capper
Join the movement to change greater Houston for good
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- To begin Faithwalking, Click Here
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