One of Mission Houston’s core values for the transformation of our city is united prayer. We believe that a persevering and focused prayer movement is imperative for every spiritual revival and visible Kingdom advance. As stated in II Chronicles 7:14, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.” We join local congregations and ministries throughout the Greater Houston area in extending the following invitation for “Houston Code Blue for Christ”:
Dear Pastors, Ministry Leaders and Praying Friends
Over the past several weeks a united community prayer walk has been considered for Houston’s historic Sunnyside community. When the word began to spread about a Sunnyside Easter Eve Community Prayer Walk, several other pastors and leaders began to inquire about planning a united prayer walk in their own communities. Thus far we have commitments from leaders in Sunnyside, Third Ward, Fourth Ward, Fifth Ward, Alief, Cypress/Copperfield, Kashmere Gardens, McGregor Palm, Clear Lake, South Park and Channel View, to call praying Christians together. Many more pastors and communities have expressed interest, so on Saturday, April 23rd pastors and ministry leaders from across Greater Houston are calling Christians to gather at various locations (to be determined) to unite, repent of our sins, and pray for the brokenness that plagues our communities.
United prayer topics will include such areas as: children and families in poverty; abortion and human trafficking; the needs of Houston’s at-risk children; the call of the Church to serve and heal our communities; the needs of the elderly; prayer for Houston area law enforcement officers; prayer for local government officials and educators. Each community under the leadership of local pastors will be responsible to determine timely, relevant prayer targets for their community.
Our city is in urgent need of a praying, obeying, united and loving Church! Let’s help lead and call together massive groups of people to pray and care for communities across our city on the Easter Sunday Eve – April 23rd!
All Houston Code Blue for Christ prayer partners will be asked to bring non-perishable food items to their community prayer staging area on April 23rd to help support local food banks or food pantries.
You are invited to join us. Thank you for praying, caring, uniting and believing! May this Easter and resurrection weekend be a time that impacts our lives, the church and our communities with healing, hope and transformation, through the power of our risen savior – Jesus Christ!
On behalf of the Houston Code Blue for Christ Steering Committee,
Brian Gowan
Grace Community Church
713-363-2585For more information about this event, visit
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