The annual Week of Prayer and Service for Houston's Children and Youth begins with a Faith Community Summit on August 11! The Faith Community Summit is a gathering of leaders who meet in solidarity around our commitment to the well-being of the children of the greater Houston area. In this Summit you will get the most current information available from Dr. Bob Sanborn and CHILDREN AT RISK* on the challenges and needs of children and youth growing up in the Houston area. You will connect to others who have passion, empathy and a desire for justice for our children and youth. And you will have time to pray, and to consider ways God may have for you and those you lead to become a practical source of Life in the lives of children and youth.
Faith Community Summit
Date: August 11th, 2011
Place: St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
717 Sage Road, Houston, TX 77056-2111
Click here to register for the Summit.
11am-1pm - Summit
Week of Prayer and Service for Our Children and Youth: August 14-20, 2011
The leadership team of the Faith Initiative for Children and Youth, working with local intercessory prayer leaders and utilizing the research provided by CHILDREN AT RISK*, produce a Prayer Guide for the Body of Christ to be assisted in 7 days of informed and united prayer each year during the week prior to the beginning of the public school academic year. This prayer guide is available online and by email. Click here to download this year's prayer guide.
In addition to praying, this year we are asking Individuals, congregations and ministries, and those whose daily work takes them to private sector businesses and organizations to engage in acts of service on behalf and children and youth during the dates August 12-21. There are a number of ways you can do this. For instance, contact the Principal of a local public school in May and ask if you and a group might serve the Administration, Faculty and/or students in a practical way in mid-August by
- having a campus improvement workday project right before school starts, or
- provide a meal during that in-service week for teachers, or
- purchase and distribute gift cards to the teachers that provide teacher supplies from local stores to purchase additional classroom teaching aids.
- participating in one of the many back-to-school supply drives (like that sponsored by the YMCA and KSBJ), or
- participating in the efforts of the Houston Food Bank to provide additional food in the neighborhoods with the largest numbers of families lacking adequate nutrition.
About The Faith Initiative:
The Faith Initiative is an association of pastors and leaders from congregations and organizations across the Greater Houston Area. You are invited to become a part of this initiative.
Established in February 2008, members of the Faith Initiative and CHILDREN AT RISK* meet to discuss children’s issues, inform one another of local efforts, and explore opportunities for collaboration in prayer, advocacy and service. Striving to build a greater awareness within the faith community and to bring about positive systemic change, the Week of Prayer and Service for Our Children and Youth is a city-wide movement to educate and mobilize individuals across the greater Houston area on behalf of the needs of our children. The Faith Initiative believes that this week of purposeful prayer and service will truly make an impact in the on-going, unfolding process that is needed to help all of our children. The 3rd annual Week of Prayer and Service for Our Children and Youth, in coordination with the Faith Summit, strives to educate and inspire participants to donate their time, resources, or talents to positively impact our youth directly or through advocacy. It also seeks to link up needs with assets that already exist in the community.
* CHILDREN AT RISK is a non-partisan research and advocacy organization dedicated to addressing the root causes of poor public policies affecting children. The organization began in 1989 and has evolved from an organization researching the multitude of obstacles our children face, to one that also drives macro-level change to better the future of our city and state through community education, collaborative action, evidence-based public policy, and advocating for youth at the local and state level.
To learn more about the Faith Initiative or how to join, please email Jim Herrington at or Laura Nelson at
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