We are convinced that Jesus meant for us to make children just as much a priority as he did. He loved them with words of affirmation and with arms open to embrace them. He warned us about putting obstacles in their way that might cause them to miss out on God’s invitation to experience Life in His fullness.
That is why we launched the Whole & Healthy Children Initiative five years ago. That is why we partnered with Children at Risk and several other ministries to launch an annual Week of Prayer for Houston’s Children and Youth four years ago. And that is why we are currently engaged in building a collaborative to mobilize 250,000 who annually volunteer their time and talents For Houston’s Kids.
Today we are asking you to expand your efforts on behalf of the kids of Houston, and to help expand the efforts of those folks with whom you share your life and your faith, by participating in what is now the “extended Week” of Prayer and Service for Houston’s kids from August 11 through August 21, and enlisting others to join you. Here are some things you can do:
1. Have the leaders of your congregation, and of ministries to children and youth, attend the Children’s Summit on Thursday, August 11 from 11am to 1pm at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church on Woodway at Sage just west of the 610 West Loop. You’ll get an update by Dr. Bob Sanborn and Children at Risk on seven crucial areas that are needed by all children in order to be whole and healthy. You’ll also hear inspirational stories of changed lives, and of creative ways others are making an impact in kids today. And we’ll have time for prayer. To get more info and to register for the Children’s Summit, Click here.
2. Engage with friends, co-workers, or your congregation in acts of service on behalf and children and youth during the dates August 12-21! There are a number of ways you can do this. For instance, contact the Principal of a local public school this week and ask if you and a group might serve the Administration, Faculty and/or students in a practical way in mid-August by
- having a campus improvement workday project right before school starts, or
- providing a meal during that in-service week for teachers, or
- purchasing and distributing gift cards to teachers for teacher supplies and additional classroom teaching aids that usually come out of their own pockets.
- participating in one of the many back-to-school supply drives (like the YMCA’s “Operation Backpack,” Katy Christian Ministries’ “Red Apple Program,” Feed the Children’s “Backpacks to Homeless Children,” or those in your neighborhood or workplace; or
- participating in the efforts of the Houston Food Bank to provide additional food in the neighborhoods with the largest numbers of families lacking adequate nutrition.
Let’s make sure the kids and their families see the Light that has shone in our lives, and let’s make sure the Lord hears our cry on behalf of those He holds in His heart and His arms.
“And the King will say, inasmuch as you did it for the least of these, you did it for Me. Come, enter into the joy of your Master!”
Matthew 25:40
What a great message, glad Mission Houston is involved and will commit to pray for the kids in Houston Aug. 12-21.