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For information about a 2012 Global Day of Prayer event in Houston, click here.
In July 2000 God captured the heart of a South African Christian businessman, Graham Power, with a vision based on 2 Chron. 7:14. The vision had three clear instructions:- To call Christians from all denominations in Cape Town for a Day of Repentance and Prayer at Newlands Rugby Stadium.
- To challenge Christians across the rest of South Africa to unite in a Day of Repentance and Prayer.
- To challenge Christians in Southern Africa to unite in a Day of Repentance and Prayer.
In February 2002 Graham Power had a second vision. This vision had an even bigger challenge: The whole of Africa was to gather in a Day of Repentance and Prayer, changing Africa to become a “light to the world”. Eventually, Africa was to invite all the nations of the globe to unite in this move of transformational prayer.
In May of 2002 Christians in South Africa gathered in 8 different venues for a Day of Repentance and Prayer. Again, the testimonies of church unity and the healing of communities inspired leaders to expand the vision into the rest of Africa. At a Summit in September 2002 leaders of 9 African countries agreed on the vision “Africa for Christ”.
At the same time, it was clear that different prayer streams from across the globe were flowing in the same direction with a similar vision of community transformation through prayer. God was busy raising up a church of intercession in order to prepare communities for the revelation of His glory.
Across the African continent millions of Christians were inspired to participate in the process of transforming Africa. 77 South African regions and 27 African countries committed to a Day of Repentance and Prayer for Africa on the 1st of May 2003.
On 2 May 2004 history was made when Christians from all 56 nations of Africa participated in the first ever continental Day of Repentance and Prayer for Africa. Numerous communities, villages, towns and cities united in non-denominational prayer gatherings at different venues. In South Africa 277 communities participated. A flame of prayer was burning in Africa!
At a meeting of the International Prayer Council in Malaysia in November 2004, the invitation from Africa went out to the nations of the world to participate in a Global Day of Prayer process.
On Pentecost Sunday, 15 May 2005, Christians from 156 of the 220 nations of the world united across denominational and cultural borders for the first Global Day of Prayer. In the months following this day, Christians were overwhelmed by the testimonies of God’s powerful work in answer to these prayers and in the years to follow the numbers kept increasing.
In 2008 millions of Christians from 214 nations united in prayer and on 31 May 2009 a miracle happened when this initiative miraculously expanded to 220 countries in the world. Together with the 10 Days leading up to and the 90 Days of Blessing following the Global Day of Prayer, there was a sense that the call to unity and repentance is deepening. This lay the foundation for God to fill the nations with His glory as His children from around the world cried out to him in unity.
23 May 2010 saw the 10-year celebration of the Global Day of Prayer. Whilst Christians from around the world united in prayer in Cape Town, where everything started, millions from 220 nations once again gathered in their own nations. The urgent call from Joel 2 echoed throughout the nations to return to God with repentance on a level never seen before. Yes, this was a time of rendering our hearts to God and to see the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit on all flesh.
The growing momentum of the last 10 years has now laid the foundation to saturate nations in prayer. It’s time to shift our focus from 220 nations to facilitate a lifestyle of prayer with as many people in as many places as possible. In this new season, we will no longer aim at the goal of having organized events in every single country of the world, but rather to increase the number of gatherings on Pentecost Sunday in smaller settings, such as local churches, family homes and businesses instead of stadiums and assembly halls.
12 June 2011 saw participation from many nations, cities, towns, communities, local churches and prayer groups where believers have never had the confidence to register an event, either because they weren’t able to gather in large public places because of fear of persecution, or because they don’t have the resources to plan such gatherings. There was a definite increase of requests for materials as well as formal registrations. We believe the best is yet to come.
Please join the world for the Global Day of Prayer on 27 May 2012 and may we see the fulfillment of Hab. 2:14: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”
For information about a 2012 Global Day of Prayer event in Houston, click here.
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